Tuesday, May 27, 2014

FBRN FUNdraiser at Muttropolis!

Hi friends! Here it is! Bruno's VLOG for last Sunday at the FBRN fundraiser event at Muttropolis Fashion Island! We had so much fun seeing our friends and meeting new ones. Hope you enjoy this little video!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Be on the look out for...!

Hi friends! Yesterday, Jarryd and I took Bruno to Fashion Island for a fundraiser at Muttropolis. The fundraiser was for the French Bulldog Rescue Network organized by our Frenchie-loving friend, Amy. I have some footage from the event that I'm planning on editing after this week (right after my finals!). I'm very excited to show you how the event went (it was super successful!). Also, I will be sharing a very easy dog friendly recipe next Tuesday, for Treat Yourself Tuesday! Thanks for reading! I will talk to you guys again next week!

You can follow Amy on Instagram @amymonkey72
She takes amazing pictures of her two awesome Frenchies, Ace and Cherie!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Stay Cool!

Hi there friends! Hope everybody has been doing well! I don't know what it's like outside of SoCal but it is BURNING hot in my area. Our apartment is on the 3rd floor so it gets really hot in the daytime (Yes, we live on the 3rd floor, which means... there has been a lot of carrying Prince Bruno up and down the stairs). We turn on our air conditioner so Bruno can be comfortable while we're away at work. Yes, we turn on the AC for our little man. Jarryd joked about how Bruno is so spoiled because if it was just us humans, we would just sweat it out, but Bruno, gets the AC. Before I head out for work, I always make sure Bruno has clean water in his bowls (he has one in the kitchen and another in our bedroom), I keep the blinds closed just so a little bit of sun light is coming in, and lastly, I set the AC temperature to 79 degrees Fahrenheit. I can't believe it's this hot already and it's only MAY! I am not looking forward to what the Summer will bring. Just wanted to remind owners to always keep their homes ventilated and to make sure there is always water available for your pets (they will be drinking a lot of water so it would be wise to keep more than one water bowl out for them). For owners who like to exercise their dogs, wait until it has cooled down to take your dogs out. Even when the temperature has gone down, check to see of the ground is not too hot for your dog to walk on. If it's too hot for your bare feet to walk on, then it's too hot for your dog to walk on. If you own dogs with long hair, take them in to get trimmed; they will thank you for it. Sure, they might look silly but think how happy they will be without all that fur!! In case of overheating, of course taking your dog to the vet is a must, but what you can also do to help is cover them with damp towels with COOL water. AVOID ICE COLD water because when it is pressed against the body, it constricts your dog's blood vessels, which slows down blood circulation. Also, try to get your pet to drink some COOL water to help with overheating. Again, NO ICE COLD water, it is the same concept as pressing ice cold damp towels onto body. I hope these tips will help you keep your pets cool and safe for the Summer! That's it for now! Thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Quick Update on BRUNO

Hi friends! I just want to give a quick little update on Bruno! He's doing a lot better today. He's back to his playful self but he'll still cough if he tries to bark or run around. He has a running nose but nothing a little bit of tissue (or my sleeves) can't handle. These past few days have been very stressful for me because Bruno wouldn't eat and most importantly, he wouldn't drink his water! I'm very thankful for all support I have received from friends on both Facebook and Instagram. Thank you to those who has given me suggestions on how I can get Bruno to drink his liquids (who knew I had to get so creative). Friends have suggested adding chicken/beef broth, coconut water, or Pedialyte in his water. We did try chicken broth and coconut water, but it was not enough to entice Price Bruno. We finally got him to drink his water after putting little pieces of bacon in his water for him. He still has a few more days of antibiotics and will go back to the vet for a follow up on Saturday. THAT'S ALL!! Thank you for reading! Bruno loves you all!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Ruff Night

Hi friends! If you follow me on Instagram, you would have already known that Bruno wasn't feel well last night. We didn't get much sleep because Bruno was coughing and hacking up white, thick phlegm throughout the night. It killed me to see him in his condition. I felt really helpless because I didn't know what I could have done to make him comfortable. We took him to see the vet first thing in the morning and got some medicine for him. Bruno has kennel cough which is causing him to cough and hack. Bruno had bronchitis a while ago and we got medicine from the vet for it and it cleared up; I think it didn't go away entirely and now it's back. That's just my theory, because we haven't gone to the dog park this whole week (due to the heat), so he wouldn't have picked it up from there. His condition is contagious so we won't be able to go to the dog park or play with his friends until it's all cleared up.
Aside from telling you guys what's been going on with Bruno, I just want to talk about how wonderful the French bulldog community is! I posted up my Instagram picture of Bruno with the caption saying that he's not feeling well and many of his friends dropped by to wish him well, asking him what was wrong, etc. It really warms my heart knowing that so many people (some who have never met him or me) care about my baby Bruno. I feel like we, the French bulldog owners, share this special bond. We understand what the other Frenchie owner is going through and we would reach out and give them the support they need! It really makes me so happy to know that I'm not alone and that I have so many people I can turn to if I have any questions about raising Bruno. Special shout out to our IG family! WE LOVE YOU! Bruno is a tough cookie and he will get well soon!
That's it for today. Thank you for reading!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Let's Play Catch... Up 2

Happy Monday friends! Long time no talk! Hope you guys have been doing well. Anyways, everything is great here with me and Bruno. I’m currently taking some classes and working in Corona so Bruno is learning to be more independent at home (I’m sure all he does is sleep anyways). Luckily, I don’t have to get to Corona until noon so I usually take him to the dog park or on long walks to tire him out for the day.

So, I’m one of those people who throw birthday parties for my dog. Bruno’s birthday is not until end of July but I’m already planning for it. Last year we celebrated Bruno’s birthday at Rosie’s Dog Beach with our French bulldog meet up group; I think I want to do something different this year, we’re just going to have a small party at the dog park with our close friends and family. I’ve been obsessing over Bruno’s birthday for almost a week. I get so excited just thinking about all the crafting I get to do for this event. For the next few post, I will post up what I have made for Bruno’s birthday party along with templates that I have found online for you to use whenever you want to have a birthday party for your furbabies.
All me!!
Anyways, here are some pictures to update you on what Prince Bruno has been up to.
We recently purchased this faux sheepskin from IKEA for Bruno and he LOVES it! I believe I got it for $30. Jarryd thought it was an unnecessary purchase, but Bruno enjoys it! PRICELESS!!
we've also moved to a new apartment with a balcony and I would always find Bruno people watching from the balcony. #peepingbruno #perv
there's a playground in our apartment complex where I would take Bruno if the dog park is closed. He likes to run around in the wood chips and look for birds to chase. He's not wearing a leash in the picture because he's been really good about staying close to me and not running off.
I started taking Bruno to the big dog section of the dog park and he's been doing so well in there. He plays well with the bigger dogs because he thinks he's a big dog himself and I don't have to worry about him tackling other dogs like I do when we're in the little dog section of the park. 
That's it for now! Thanks for reading! I promise I will be more consistent with my posts! Got to get my creative juice flowing! Bye! Have a wonderful day! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Rosie's Reindeer Romp

This past Sunday, Bruno and I attended a meetup at the dog beach. I wish I got more footage of it but as always, there were so many people and Frenchies there, I was overwhelmed. But we still had lots of fun seeing old friends and meeting old ones. One of our meetup members got Santa to come out to our meetup to help raise money for the French Bulldog Rescue Network! It was a wonderful idea and for an amazing cause too! I was going to have Bruno wear his Christmas sweater but he played in the water and was all wet so I didn't have him wear it. I was so bummed because it would've been such a cute Christmas card picture for our friends and families. 
Anyways, hope you enjoy our short little VLOG!