Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Quick Update on BRUNO

Hi friends! I just want to give a quick little update on Bruno! He's doing a lot better today. He's back to his playful self but he'll still cough if he tries to bark or run around. He has a running nose but nothing a little bit of tissue (or my sleeves) can't handle. These past few days have been very stressful for me because Bruno wouldn't eat and most importantly, he wouldn't drink his water! I'm very thankful for all support I have received from friends on both Facebook and Instagram. Thank you to those who has given me suggestions on how I can get Bruno to drink his liquids (who knew I had to get so creative). Friends have suggested adding chicken/beef broth, coconut water, or Pedialyte in his water. We did try chicken broth and coconut water, but it was not enough to entice Price Bruno. We finally got him to drink his water after putting little pieces of bacon in his water for him. He still has a few more days of antibiotics and will go back to the vet for a follow up on Saturday. THAT'S ALL!! Thank you for reading! Bruno loves you all!

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