HAPPY SATURDAY FRIENDS! So I'm just going to jump right into my topic for the day. I'm sure many French bulldog owners understand where I'm coming from when I say... I get a little offended when people mistaken Bruno for a pug. There's nothing wrong with pugs, I have friends who own pugs and I adore them; I guess I'm just very proud of being a French bulldog owner (and I'll admit...maybe even a little stuck up). Whenever I take Bruno to the dog park, there is always be that one person who'll ask, "Is he a pug?" or "Is he part pug?" No ma'am/sir, he is 100% French bulldog. Is it because of his rolls? Bruno has extra skin around his neck and they look similar to the rolls pugs have around their necks (Oh Bruno... you little chunk). Frenchie owners, only you guys would understand my pain! Anyways, I found this cute little diagram to help people distinguish the two breeds

I've also heard frenchie owners say that people often mistaken their frenchies for Boston terriers. I can see how some people can make that mistake because both breeds have the bat ears and the pushed in nose. How I differentiate between the two breeds are: the shapes of their bodies, Boston terriers have a taller and slender figure, as oppose to the French bulldog, who's body is heavier looking and shorter; the size of their faces, Boston terriers have a smaller face than the French bulldogs and have less wrinkles; and the shape of their ears, Boston terrier's ears have points as oppose to a frenchie's rounded bat ears. Of course, these are just my observations! I have posted up several pictures of Boston terriers, French bulldogs, and pugs; let's see if you are able to tell apart the breeds based on what you've just read! Answers will be posted at the end! Have fun!

Just a reminder! The IGBULLDOGS SOCAL event is TOMORROW! at 11:00am! It will be held at Lake Hollywood Park (3200 Canyon Lake Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027) Hope to see you guys there!!
Answers: Boston terrier, French bulldog, pug, Boston terrier, pug, pug, Boston terrier, French bulldog