Saturday, August 3, 2013


Hi friends! We are halfway done with the hot summer season and I just want to bring awareness to something I recently discovered. Hot temperature equals to hot asphalt/concrete! Yes, I know I am stating the obvious. But did you know it can be hot enough to burn the pads of your dog’s paws? I found this picture while I was browsing Pinterest,
and it totally clicked in my head to why Bruno would always run for the shade whenever we walk on concrete or asphalt during the day. I’ve always thought it was because he didn’t like being under the sun, but nope! It was because his paws were burning from stepping on the hot ground. Now that we are aware of this, Jarryd and I walk a little faster when we are walking on concrete/asphalt that is not covered by shade; there had been times when I would even get Jarryd to carry Bruno across the parking lot. It's probably a little too much, but I can't help it!
To check whether the ground is too hot for your dog to walk on, press the back of your hand to the ground for 7 seconds; if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dog. Please share this with your family and friends! 

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